1 Know Your Students – Know Their Needs
There are a range of strategies for classroom management, but building a positive relationship is the most critical in supporting their growth in the classroom. Students will have different goals, needs and learning styles. This is fundamental to building the students courage so they can take control of their own learning and will lead to better educational outcomes.
2 Build Community Together
Build a positive culture and community within your classroom is essential in developing trusting relationships and promoting positive behaviours such as empathy and kindness. These traits are essential in creating a safe, positive and productive working environment in the classroom. This can be done by team building games and activities. Random Acts of Kindness Activities are a very effective and positive activity for your students to build trust, respect and kindness within your classroom. You can find Random Act of Kindness ideas here.
3 Establish Clear And Meaningful Expectations Together
Clear and meaningful expectations is one of the important strategies for classroom management. Include the students in the process to ensure ownership of the expectations/rules in the classroom. This provides the students an opportunity to understand the value of boundaries and that these rules will help provide the best education possible. Peer developed expectations will increases the buy- in from the students, and will likely increases their commitment to the rules/expectations. You can find a range of activities to support rules and expectation in this back to school activity pack. The activities can be used year round.
4 Consistently Enforce Meaningful Class Procedures And Routines
Order and organization are will create a smooth and successful classroom environment. Procedures and routines should be established and reviewed formally or reinforced visually daily with the students. This will help create and support a positive and consistent classroom environment. Students need to be involved and share the responsibility in establishing these procedures and routines. Establishing class procedures and routines will sets the tone and expectations for the year, and reduces the chance of students acting out in class. A collaborative routine also increases student engagement, empowerment, which supports the cultivation of a 21st Century learning environment in your classroom.
5 Be present in your classroom. Praise, Acknowledge And Reward Positive Behaviors
Moving, observing, reflecting, and celebrating positive behaviors is a cornerstone of a 21st Century teacher. These behaviours increase student engagement and achievements in the classroom. Intrinsic and extrinsic incentives can help build positive habits and behaviours within your classroom and reduce off task behaviors. Positive behaviors need to be celebrated. Find out ways here.
6 Cultivate Students 21st Century Skills
Collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity are key 21C skills for students to develop. Teachers have the duty to teach, observe, integrate, and model these skills.
7 Build Students Social And Emotional Success
Strategies for classroom management include self-Management, Self-Awareness, Responsible Decision Making, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills as core competencies for Social and Emotional success. Social and Emotional development is a fundamental part of a child’s education and provide essential life skills for students. Social and emotional skills help us interact with others and understand our own behaviours. They are essential skills for student’s well-being, personal management are critical in creating a positive learning environment. Mindfulness journals and mood journals are a great way of supporting your students emotional well-being.
8 Track Student Growth
Observing and tracking student growth provides key data points on their development in a school year. This information is powerful in celebrating achievements and identifying students who are at risk. It also provides value information to ensure all students are growing and reaching their potential in all areas. Areas worthy of tracking include social and emotional learning, 21st century skills including collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity and all areas of academic growth.

If you would like to explore lessons to build your classroom culture, take a look at the links below: