Teaching with google classroom provides so much potential for your students and could save you time and stress. 2020 has forced a steep learning curve for us all, but has also provided a wealth of opportunity to gain insights into our students learning styles, their strengths and areas of challenge. Many of you would know, the hard work setting up your google classroom. Once you have your activities created and uploaded, you are free to buzz around the virtual classroom and check in on your students. You can peek into everyone’s work books, annotate, differentiate and modify lessons with a few clicks.
3 ways to teach using google classroom
1. Narrative writing with google classroom
Simplify your teaching with google classroom with the a few key resources. Narrative writing involves a range of planning steps, graphic organisers, writing prompts, narrative writing formats, transitions words and literary devices. Common core standards dictate that narratives include all of these elements in their narratives. This can be difficult for reluctant writers and also distance learning. Google classroom provides an opportunity that can provide additional scaffolding in one place for your narrative writers. A digital interactive notebook could be the answer for some or all of your students.
2. Reading Response worksheet using google classroom
You can use your standard reading response worksheet while teaching with google classroom. The format and structure of your lesson is similar, the only difference is the worksheet is in google slides. Select a slide you want and send it directly to your student for the activity, or create your a new file, cut and paste reading response worksheet / slide and add additional instructions. You can even insert text or a photo from a page in the class novel you are reading. Make the lesson work for you and adjust the activity to suit all of your students. IF you have a student who speaks English as a second language, you can provide translations into the slide to support their learning. Always remember that teaching with Google Classroom allows you to customize, annotated and differentiate throughout the activity. IF you have a student struggling, jump into their work and make changes to support their individual learning needs.
3. Journal writing with writing prompts
Incorporate daily journal writing into your routine. Send one writing prompt slide each day for your students to keep their journal writing active. Another option is to send your students 200 writing prompts with pictures and as a permanent resource and reference in google classroom. They can go and flick through the prompts whenever required. This might give the students a bit more creative space to get the creative juices flowing.

Prompts are available in a few grade levels.
Google Classroom Time savers
Teaching with google classroom can take a while to adjust and set up, but once your resources are ready to roll the pressure drops off. If you are looking for a few time saving and dollar saving resources, grab this bundle. Check out this Google Classroom bundle with Headers, multiplication facts, Random Acts of Kindness challenge via Google Classroom & a Narrative Digital Interactive Notebook.